Step by step I learn.Everything is about taking chances.Happy hour, minutes of gloom or even a moment of suffering lead to writing.I am writing to help me remember what i have learn,what i am willing to do and what i am lovin.Everythings matter!!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In The Name of Allah,The Most Merciful And Graceful

Home Sweet

Tidoq la Awai Sikit!

Imam Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah menyebutkan ada lima perkara merosakkan hati iaitu, "bergaul dengan banyak kalangan teman (baik dan buruk), angan-angan kosong, bergantung kepada selain Allah, kekenyangan dan banyak tidur."

Akibat tidur lewat..
  1. Pergerakan menjadi lemah dan tidak bermaya.
  2. Semangat menjadi pudar dan hari dimulai dengan hari yang buruk.
  3. Pening kepala sering terjadi dan boleh merebak kepada penyakit yang lebih serius.
  4. Daya ingatan kian lemah dan tidak cerdas.
  5. Cenderung untuk melakukan kesalahan dan kecuaian.
  6. Solat subuh "dinosaur" dan lewat ke kelas
  7. Pembahagian masa terganggu dan rutin harian tidak keruan.
  8. "Instructor" marah sebab datang lewat,merosakkan suasana kelas yang sepatutnya ceria dan efektif.
  9. Tidur lewat menjadi tabiat hidup harian yang akan semakin sukar diubah.
  10. Muka tidak berseri dan hilang daya tumpuan dalam sesuatu kerja. 

Agak-agak la study bro!!
Sedapnya Tidur!!
Inilah akibat tidur lewat

Letihnya dia.. 

Tengok movie la nie..hehe 



Danger is sensed..

"The present study shows that the greater one stayed up at night, the more maladjusted in college life, in terms of global mental health, sleep quality and academic performance," said Kim. "It seems important to give relevant information and helpful guidance on good sleep habits to students from the beginning of college life."

The study, conducted by Jung Kim, PhD, of Pohang University of Science in Technology in South Korea, was based on a survey of 399 college students in Korea.

     Tidurlah awal kerana rezeki melimpah ruah datang pada ketika fajar belum menyingsing  bukan di kala matahari tegak di atas kepala, bak kata pepatah "early bird catch the first worm".

     Sebenarnya tujuan saya menulis artikel ini adalah sebagai satu nasihat untuk diri saya sendiri yang lalai akibat tidak tidur pada waktu yang sepatutnya dan seterusnya memberi kesan yang tidak baik untuk diri sendiri. Oleh itu sahabat-sahabat sekalian,tidurlah supaya harimu kan indah.

Tinta penulis

Real Life Aircraft Maintenance

Do i want to be an aircraft engineer?

      Truthfully,it is the very basic thing you need to ask yourself before you jump into the aviation field.I am not a perfect person to tell you this as i am also a newbie in this field.What can i say is that,i am very excited to further my profesionalism in this area.You must be ambitious if you need to "glue" yourself in this field. Mr.Nizar,one of my instuctor has always said "From my experience over 20 years in this aviation field,it is very interesting and challenging everyday".

      I believe in what he said because everybody know this, you don't have the second chance once the aircraft in the air.Believe it or not,if you miss even a bolt or a mere crack without giving it a proper treatment,your aircraft may in jeopardy.You can google for Aloha 243 that give impact on the whole aviation industry that the aircraft maintenance is the one to be blame if you want the real prove.It is a sheer luck the pilot manage to land the aircraft safely when nearly a quarter of the fuselage has been flying somewhere else.

       The aircraft engineer is like a doctor that must treat the patient with all his might,if he give anonymous potion,it can hazard the body of a person and for the worst,the patient might died from it.Nau'zubillah min zalik.

       I have a person who i respect the most in this industry and his name is Prof Zahir bin Mokhtar, our dean of UniKl-Miat.I love his speech very much,very inspiring and motivating.In person he is very nice and has something that make everybody love to be on his side,kind of friendly aura.He is once said to us that "You all here  are very fortunate,that everything always prepare for you but it is not the same for us back in the days where we need to find our own way in this field, most of you take it for granted".Then i know that i must take the ladder and climb to the sky-crapping mountain if i want to be a Licensed Aircraft Engineer which is very tough and not every person can achieve it.



Dari Imran r.a katanya, s:aya bertanya:”Ya Rasulullah, apa dasar kerja orang yang bekerja?” Baginda menjawab;”Setiap orang dimudahkan mengerjakan apa yang dia telah diciptakan untuk itu.” (Al-Bukhari)

Dari Abu malik al-Asy’ari katanya:”Bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w:”Kebersihan itu sebahagian daripada iman. Membaca Subhanallah dan Alhamdulillah pahalanya sebesar langit dan bumi. Sembahyang itu pelita. Sedekah itu bakti. Sabar itu cahaya dan al-Quran itu akan menjadi kawan atau lawanmu. Manusia sepanjang hidupnya bekerja untuk keselamatan dirinya atau kecelakaannya.”
Tinta penulis

Little Hamster

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